FAQ on

Taxonomy Features

1 What is Taxonomy?

Taxonomy is a SharePoint customer hosted application, that allows you to manage your organization's File Plan effectively, it equips you with a set of features to Import/Export/Share and control access to the file plan.

2 Can I invite others to update the file plan?

Taxonomy role based access allows you to share and control access to the file plan, the following are the various access roles:

  • Reader: anyone who has access to the SharePoint Site can access the file plan in read only mode, he/she can only see Published versions of the file plan.
  • Reviewer: Assigned through the Admin Webpart, anyone with this role, in addition to what the reader can do, he/she can view and comment on the different elements of a Draft version of the File Plan.
  • Editor: Assigned through the Admin Webpart, anyone with this role, in addition to what the reviewer can do, he/she can add, delete and edit the different elements of the Draft version of the File Plan, and can submit a file plan for approval.
  • Approver: Assigned through the Admin Webpart, anyone with this role, in addition to what the editor can do, he/she can create a new File Plan or add a new version to an existing one, can publish/unpublish the File Plan, and can delete a File Plan.
  • Administrator: Assigned through the Admin Webpart, anyone with this role can manage the access right to the application.

3 Can I import a file plan?

Yes, Taxonomy allows you to import your organization's file plan from excel. Learn more on how to import your file plan.

4 Can I export my File Plan

Yes, you can export the file plan, work on it offline and import it back to the system as a new version. Check the article on how to Import my file plan.

5 Where my data is stored?

All your data is stored in the SharePoint site where the Taxonomy Webparts are installed.

6 How to request support?

To request support about the Taxonomy product, use the account used to purchase the license and submit a ticket through the support center.

7 How can I delete my personal information?

You own your information hosted in your tenant, and you can delete at any time. If you want that we delete your personal information related to the purchase transaction, please submit a request in the support center and we will be happy to assist you.

8 Can I move my app to another site?

Technically yes, we recommend that you install the Taxonomy Webparts in the new site and copy the different lists created by the app from the old site to the new site.

FAQ on

Taxonomy Licensing

1 Can extend my trial license?

Yes, we offer a 14 days extension of your trial license. please contact the support team at support@accuracysoftware.ca.

2 By assigning multiple roles to an account does that count against the number of seats in the license?

No, when an account is added to any of the roles once or multiple times, that counts as one seat.

3 How many sites my license is able to support?

You can install the app as may times as you which as long as they are within the same tenant.


If you have any questions for which we did not provide an answer, please open a ticket in the support center and we will be more than happy to assist you.

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